Consider heavy rain hazard map of the city of Dortmund in planning

“In the early planning phase of open-air events, running water and heavy rain maps can be of strategic use. With the knowledge that climate change will lead to more frequent and more intense heavy rainfall events, it is good to know where rainwater collects and which flow paths and water collection points are to be observed. This knowledge can be used to plan the location of e. g. stage locations and/or other event structures may be used. It can also be used to predict the underground quality for the visitor in the event of heavy rainfall (example of sludge formation). Due to the experience values recorded in running water and heavy rain maps, as the organiser I have the feeling that I know what happens in the event of permanent rain or heavy rain”

This is how the Kirchentag planner Simon Jurczewski sums up his experience in handling the cards.

Preparation within the framework of the Kirchentag in Dortmund

The heavy rain maps of the city of Dortmund were made parallel to the planning of the Kirchentag and were available for the first time only during a very late planning stage. The review of the planning showed no need for action. The data quality was still very coarse-grained.
Nor did experience values recorded provide any information on short-term planning changes. The experience of the local authorities and people we worked with proved to be helpful. Additional experience can also be called upon here if there is specific demand.

During the implementation of the Kirchentag in Dortmund

No heavy rainfall event was registered in Dortmund during the Kirchentag or during the construction and dismantling period.

Environmental/climate protection aspect

Good planning not only allows for the smoothest possible event, but can also prevent resources from being destroyed by flooding of infrastructure. It also  prevents pollution of heavy rainwater by toxins, such as Oils.

Climate adaptation aspect

For planning purposes, it makes sense to research early whether a heavy rain map exists for the event site. Correspondingly, you can select the venue, the environment (e. g. parking spaces and routes to public transport) as well as the arrival routes.

It is important to check the calculated results of the map on site. At a critical point in Dortmund, it turned out that the calculated water flows would have largely run off in underground car parks and would therefore never have reached the planned stage location, but this was not shown on the map.


Usually the maps can be used free. The effort is minimal.

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