Plan food stands in shadowed locations

Concretisation of the measure

In order to protect waiting customers, but also to avoid exposing food to unnecessary heat, the Kirchentag developed the measure that the places for food stands should be chosen so that they are in the afternoon shade (depending on opening hours), if possible in all-day shade. A reduction in solar radiation can support good practice. Irrespective of this, compliance with the cold chain and hygiene rules in the handling of food is relentless.

Preparation within the framework of the Kirchentag in Dortmund

The complexity of the “Abend der Begegnung” (street festival on the first evening) and the multitude of food stalls allowed the implementation of the basic rule only to a certain extent, because the beginning of the KlAnG project and the beginning of the planning were too far apart.

During the implementation of the Kirchentag in Dortmund

At future Kirchentag should be placed more strongly on this.

Environmental/climate protection aspect

Cooling systems are spared, as they are heated less in the hot afternoon sun. Less food has to be thrown away because it has a longer shelf life.

Climate adaptation aspect

During hot spells, cool and shady places have to be used increasingly for infrastructure and food.


If considered early the effort is low and the benefit high.

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