Sun Protection for waiting people

Concretization of the idea

In the run-up to the Kirchentag, a workshop with the department of the Kirchentag, responsible for all concerns of the participants, focused on groups particularly affected by weather changes. In this workshop we received feedback that many participants have to wait in front of the KITS stands (Check Information Participant concern Stand) until their request can be processed. This waiting time must partly be spent in strong sunlight. The idea was born, that parasols could be handed out to the waiting people, especially in those places where there are no shady places.

Preparing for the Kirchentag in Dormtund

In preparation, all KITS stands were equipped with parasols. In addition, it was agreed with the social media department that participants should be made aware of the possibility to use the parasols via the appropriate channels.

Implementation of the Kirchentag in Dortmund

The measure proved to be difficult to implement. Although many had to wait in the sun, only a few took advantage of the offer.


The idea is to be taken up again and improved at the next Kirchentag.

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