Sun protection for volunteers

Specification of the measure

What do volunteers do at the Kirchentag?

Volunteers take over parts of the security service, the information, the visitor guidance and the admission control. They are working indoors and outdoors.

What is specifically meant by sun protection for volunteers?

During the Kirchentag pavilions and other tents were used for sheltering. Volunteers had access to products like sun cream and headgear for the personal protection.

Preparation within the framework of the Kirchentag in Dortmund

In the run-up to the Kirchentag, the working places of the volunteers were analyzed in order to be able to provide tents and /or pavilions. Particular consideration was given to open spaces, such as in front of exhibition halls or other large squares in the city center. Likewise sun cream was procured.

During the implementation of the Kirchentag in Dortmund

During the Event, volunteers had the opportunity to be in the shade during their service. With a centralized meeting-point for volunteers as well as at the respective working places, the access to free sun cream and further protection was given.

Environmental/climate protection aspect

By central purchasing according to environmentally friendly standards, e.g. sun cream with corresponding quality standard, eco- and further labels the Kirchentag also promoted a sensitization of consumers.

Climate change adaptation aspect

The measure serves the prevention and awareness raising on the topic of sun causes and heat-related illnesses.

Cost / benefit / effort

With little financial effort an effective protection for volunteers could be made possible.

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