Add a “siesta” to the program

Concretisation of the idea

In the run-up to the Kirchentag the idea came up to integrate a „siesta”, i. e. a time in which all participants take a break, into the course of the Kirchentag. Especially during a heat period, it is important to incorporate break times into the daily routine and to spend them in cool places. The term „Siesta” has been deliberately chosen at this point. Within the scope of brainstorming the measures of the KlAnG project, a lot has been „copied” by people and countries that are experiencing stronger heat, longer rainy seasons, etc.. The Spanish model of the „siesta”, as a culturally embedded and accepted break time during the strongest solar radiation of the day, can also become a climate change adaptation measure for us.


The idea could not be realized so far at the Kirchentag. However, it should be maintained and multiplied at this point.

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