Provide resources for vulnarable groups of people

Concretization of the idea

In the run-up to the Kirchentag, a workshop was held with the Kirchentag department responsible for all matters relating to the participants, focusing on groups particularly affected by weather changes. In this workshop the idea was born to offer more tools in a decentralized way. At the Kirchentag, it is possible to hire walkers and wheelchairs. The idea was to extend this loan to prams and handcarts in order to be able to guarantee aids for the rapid removal of people and materials in extreme weather situations.


At the Kirchentag there are specially equipped service facilities for people with disabilities and older people. Wheelchairs and walkers can be rented here. In Dortmund, it has not yet been possible to extend the range of rental products to prams and/or handcart. The idea is taken up and multiplied by this way.

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